[blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_single_image image=”92″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” image_link=”http://luchi.com/brands/#SL” link_target=”_self” el_class=”brand-image1″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [spb_single_image image=”239″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” image_link=”http://luchi.com/brands/#Jaw” link_target=”_self” el_class=”brand-image1″ width=”1/4″] [spb_single_image image=”95″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” image_link=”http://luchi.com/brands/#Forte” link_target=”_self” el_class=”brand-image1″ width=”1/4″] [spb_single_image image=”139″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” image_link=”http://luchi.com/brands/#Zeolite” link_target=”_self” el_class=”brand-image1″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”last”] [blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Brands for Life. Luchi is proud to present the healthy lifestyle brands that are the retail face of the company: Sprout Living, Forte Yoga, Jaw Blends and Zeolite Support. Each one has an ambition to change the world little by little by researching, sourcing and providing the the purest, most effective and highest quality healthy products from around the world.
Sprout Living is a market-leading provider of pure and potent plant-based protein powders and functional foods that are made exclusively from raw, vegan, organic and kosher superfoods. For the past three years, we have been innovating and distributing an exclusive line of plant-based functional foods that are more than just raw, vegan, organic, kosher, and hypoallergenic, but also completely free of gluten, nuts and soy. At Sprout Living, artificial sweeteners, “natural” flavorings, coloring agents, preservatives and fillers are never considered, ensuring that our company’s unwavering goal of providing the highest quality products is upheld.
[/fullwidth_text] [portfolio_carousel title=”Sprout Living Products” item_count=”12″ category=”sprout-living-products” show_excerpt=”no” excerpt_length=”20″ alt_background=”alt-two” el_class=”brand-carousel mb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”10px” spacer_id=”Jaw” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
JAW Blends is an innovative approach to providing people with the purest and most potent nutrients from juices, superfoods and many more foods in a convenient, easy-to-use powder that can simply be added to water. Their low-temperature drying process gently removes the water from foods without harming sensitive nutrients, or messing with the flavor, leaving nutritionally-rich powders that can be easily consumed whenever and wherever – Just Add Water.
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[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”10px” spacer_id=”Forte” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Forte Yoga is a robust and eye-opening yoga resource for beginners and experts alike. Detailed yoga poses, current news, tips and tricks and a blossoming community serve as the foundation for the growing user base. Forte Yoga aims to be the most complete and comprehensive database for yoga while presenting the information in a modern and highly aesthetic manner. At the core, “forte” means “one’s strong point.” We believe yoga is everyone’s “strong point” — in many cases, simply locked away deep inside, until someone or something is inspirational enough to uncover it. Our saying at Forte Yoga is For The Expressions. Yoga is truly unique because it’s an artistic, physical and spiritual form of expression.
[/fullwidth_text] [portfolio_carousel title=”Selected Poses” item_count=”12″ category=”forte-yoga-poses” show_excerpt=”no” excerpt_length=”20″ alt_background=”alt-three” el_class=”brand-pose-carousel mb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”10px” spacer_id=”Zeolite” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Zeolite Support is a provider of the highest quality and most effective health supplements found on the market. Originally founded as a source for zeolite – a highly potent, natural mineral that is extremely effective as an all-natural detoxifier – the company soon expanded to sell a variety of the most effective supplements sourced from all around the world. Zeolite Support serves as the branch that provides extensively researched and carefully formulated molecular supplements.